NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
308 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS introduce students to creative processes involved in book making, including traditional and alternative book formats, adhesives and sewn binding structures, archival concerns, and methods for generating original images and text. Prerequisite: one ARTS course and COMP 2000 or COMP 2010 or COMP 2020 or COMP 2000H. ARTS 4950 Internship in the Arts (3 credits) Training and practice at a professional arts venue. Prerequisites: cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, completion of 60 or more credit hours, and written consent of a division director. ARTS 4990 Independent Study in the Arts (3 credits) The student selects, and carries out independently, library and/or empirical research. Faculty supervision is provided on an individual basis. Written consent of instructor and division director required. Prerequisites: One ARTS course; COMP COMP 2000, COMP 2010, or COMP 2020. ARTS 4995 Senior Project (1 credits) In this course, students will prepare a portfolio of artwork for participation in a senior exhibition. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 90 credits and written consent of the division director. ATTR—Athletic Training ATTR 1100 Introduction to Athletic Training (1 credits) This course is an introduction to the sports medicine team, legal considerations, environmental concerns, and the profession of athletic training. Students will be able to promote athletic training as a professional discipline in order to educate athletes, the general public, and the physically active. This course includes a minimum of 50 hours of scheduled clinical observations at an approved site, under the supervision of a Certified Athletic Trainer. Prerequisites: COMP 1000 or equivalent or SAT Verbal score of 520, ACT English score of 22, a TOEFL score of 650 (paper) or 280 (computer), a passing Writing Challenge Exam. ATTR 1200 Principles of Athletic Training (3 credits) Emphasis will be on the basic concepts of preventing athletic injuries, injury recognition and assessment, and care and treatment procedures for proper management of athletic injuries. Additionally, students will be instructed in the arts and skills of taping and wrapping. This course includes a minimum of 50 hours of scheduled clinical observations at an approved clinical site, under the supervision of a Certified Athletic Trainer. Prerequisite: ATTR 1100. ATTR 1300 Emergency Care and First Aid (3 credits) Students will learn to recognize, assess, and treat the acute injuries and illnesses of athletes and others involved in physical activities, preventing disease transmission, emergency care of injuries such as splinting, and to provide proper medical referral. ATTR 1400 Health and Fitness (3 credits) This course will provide students with the basic concepts of health, such as nutritional issues, physiological concerns, and wellness screening. Students will also gain an appreciation for lifetime fitness activities and an understanding of how community programs provide necessary health services to the general public. ATTR 2100 Injury Evaluation I (3 credits) Emphasis will be on recognition, assessment, treatment, and appropriate medical referral of athletic injuries and illnesses of the lower extremities including the head and the lumbar spine. Additional emphasis will be placed on the psychosocial aspects of injury and illness. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training Education Program. Prerequisite: ATTR 1200. ATTR 2200 Injury Evaluation II (3 credits) Emphasis will be on recognition, assessment, treatment, and appropriate medical referral of athletic injuries and illnesses of the upper extremities, including the head and cervical spine. Additional emphasis will be placed on clinical evaluation skills. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training Education Program. Prerequisite: ATTR 2100. ATTR 2300 Sports Nutrition (3 credits) This course includes the study of nutrition, biochemical processes in energy metabolism, and nutrition-related health problems. Additional emphasis will be placed on nutrition as it relates to physical performance, sports, and fitness. Prerequisite: ATTR 1400. ATTR 2400 Strength and Conditioning (3 credits) Strength and Conditioning: This course includes the study of the varied aspects of strength and conditioning in a variety of sports. In addition to learning and practicing strength training techniques, students will design a conditioning program and explain their program to their peers. Prerequisite: ATTR 1400. ATTR 2610 Athletic Training Clinical I (3 credits) This course focuses on field experiences and the application of learned principles from athletic training clinical skills. This course includes 200 hours of observation in various settings and specific clinical skills from ATTR 1200 to facilitate comprehensive learning. Students will be supervised and given the opportunity
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