UGA Fall 2021 Viewbook

Welcome to this special world— where passionate professors and researchers collaborate with undergraduate and grad students alike. Enhance your science courses with field work, research projects, and volunteer efforts that contribute to environmental needs and health care innovations. Shark research, coral reef restoration, turtle conservation, climate change, and biodiversity are some NSU specialties. WHAT BEATS A SCHOOL NEXT TO THE OCEAN? A SCHOOL IN THE OCEAN. Many science undergrads get published or conduct independent study work that makes them stand out to postgraduate schools and employers. Accelerate your study and broaden your options across an array of majors with NSU’s Dual Admission and Razor’s Edge programs. For more, go to . M a r i n e B i o l o g y a n d S c i e n c e s IN EXTERNAL FUNDING FOR SPONSORED PROJECTS $107M + Biology Chemistry Environmental Science Marine Biology Mathematics 1 5 1 4 MICKEY E., MARINE BIOLOGY MAJOR Working with grad students and faculty researchers is really helpful. We get a head start on our master’s and make some great friendships, too.”