UGA Parent Brochure

GRADES ARE STILL IMPORTANT! Yes, second-semester senior year MATTERS! Your student’s spot in college isn’t secure until their final, official high school transcripts are submitted. IMPORTANT DUE DATES Pay close attention to the due dates for accepting enrollment; paying the enrollment deposit; paying the housing deposit; submitting final, official high school transcripts, etc. MONEY MATTERS College students get bombarded with highinterest credit card offers! Discuss responsible spending with your student. SMOOTH TRANSITION If your student takes any regular prescriptions, contact student health to see what steps you’ll need to take for a seamless transfer. WHERE TO BANK If your student doesn’t already have their own bank account, now’s the time to set one up (preferably at a bank with a branch on or near campus). REALITY SETS IN Now that the pressure of applying to schools is off, the reality of going away to college will start to set in. Expect some angst, especially when it’s time to start packing boxes. CHECK THE LIST Most universities supply a helpful checklist of what to bring and things to do before arriving on campus (like registering for classes and new student orientation). YOU’VE PAID THE ENROLLMENT DEPOSIT WHAT’S NEXT?