057-19 NSU TRED Annual Report FY2019_WEB

NSU GRANT WRITING LABORATORY 18 SERVICE STATISTICS COLLABORATION CONNECTIONS EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT FINDING FUNDING STRATEGY SESSIONS We are often able to suggest other faculty members in similar or complementary research areas for consultation and potential collaboration on projects. We can also share best practices on forming and sustaining successful collaborations. We offer workshops on grant writing and research development in partnership with the Office of Sponsored Programs. Workshops and presentations are available both in person and on Blackboard. We offer resources to assist faculty members through the proposal development process, including templates, boilerplate text, and proposal editing. We talk with researchers about their projects, then assist themwith designing and conducting fund searches. Regular monitoring of funding announcements produces targeted opportunities that we provide to faculty members. We meet with individual faculty members or collaborative research groups to discuss proposal development strategies, including when to contact program officers, how to interpret agency guidelines, which funding agencies would be interested, and what university services are available. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 FY 19 FY 18 FY 17 FY 16 FY 15 FY 14 FY 13 FY 12 116 114 82 78 91 103 115 97 GRANT CONSULTS FY 2012–FY 2019 SUPPORT SERVICES The Grant Writing Laboratory (GWL) continues to offer proposal and research development support to NSU investigators. We facilitate the research and sponsored funding successes of our faculty members by creating connections between researchers and funding opportunities, forging collaborations, supporting team science, assisting with proposal development, and formulating strategy to advance the research agenda of NSU. In FY 2019, GWL served numerous NSU faculty and staff members, providing 114 individual grant consults and in-depth proposal development services. GWL training workshops are presented in partnership with the Office of Sponsored Programs. Training workshops and materials are presented in person and to virtual attendees. Recordings of workshops are also available on Canvas for NSU faculty and staff members to access throughout the calendar year. In FY 2019, our training workshops reached 625 NSU faculty and staff members, students, and community members.