057-19 NSU TRED Annual Report FY2019_WEB
NSU OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS 11 0 20 40 60 80 FY 19 FY 18 FY 17 FY 16 FY 15 FY 19 FY 18 FY 17 FY 16 FY 15 FY 19 FY 18 FY 17 FY 16 FY 15 Research Community Service Training Total Dollar Amount of Cumulative Active Awards in Millions $41.1 $52.5 $55.9 $59.0 $74.7 $7.2 $8.5 $7.5 $10.1 $8.2 $34.0 $25.9 $32.4 $38.5 $36.5 SPONSORED FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR RESEARCH, COMMUNITY SERVICE, AND TRAINING INITIATIVES (Comparison of FY 2015–FY 2019) UNIVERSITY-WIDE SPONSORED FUNDING FY 2010–FY 2019 0 24 48 72 96 120 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015 FY 2014 FY 2013 FY 2012 FY 2011 FY 2010 $55.4 $57.7 $63.9 $58.5 $65.6 $79.7 $71.3 $76.4 $82.2 $86.9 $95.8 $107.7 $119.4 ARRA $15.9 ARRA $18.7 ARRA $18.3 $82.2 ARRA $2.5 Total Dollar Amount of Cumulative Active Awards in Millions $68.1 ARRA $2.5 $61.1 ARRA $2.6 AWARDS BY DIRECT SPONSOR TYPE FY 2019 NSU’s total sponsored funding demonstrates an overall upward trend over the last decade, despite a restrained funding landscape and the close of several American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) projects, including the $15 million National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) award to construct the Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Research. n Federal Government 48% $56,997,675 n Local Government 17% $20,176,383 n State Government 19% $22,978,560 n Nonprofit Corporations 9% $11,029,205 n Universities 5% $5,876,856 n For-Profit Corporations 1% $1,001,003 n Foundations 1% $1,250,809 n Other <1% $104,688 Total $119,415,179