The Current | Vol. 31 Issue 19

January 26, 2021 | 11 Opinions Finally! A competent leader I think less of you if you barely wear a mask Yes, feel free to re-read the title. It’s not a misprint. I think less of you as a human being if you barely wear your mask in public or around others. Just because the mask is borderline over your chin, covering just your nose or mouth, it doesn’t mean you are doing your part to protect others, yourself or even just prove to me that you have basic manners and can be a contributing member of modern society. I get it. Masks can be annoying. If you have glasses, they fog up. If you have breathing issues or are working out, it can feel restricting. If you have sensitive skin, it can aggravate it. I understand and I deal with each of those issues every day, as does everyone else, but I still am one of the strictest mask wearers you will meet and I expect everyone I interact with to do the same. I’m not trying to get political here, but I believe public health shouldn’t be a partisan issue as it seems to have become through the implementation of mask mandates throughout this country. Really, a layered 6x5 in. piece of fabric destroys the “fabric” of our society and our values? I refuse to believe that. People are literally dying and if you believe that people don’t actually die from this and that it’s all a hoax, I don’t see the point in arguing with you. However, let’s at least come to the agreement that no one likes to get sick, no matter the level of illness and the havoc it wreaks on our body. When you don’t wear a mask properly or only wear it when it’s convenient to you, what you are telling me is that you don’t care about anyone but yourself. Actually, not even yourself because, don’t forget, the mask actually protects you as much as it protects others. So, why would anyone want to risk getting sick? At least, that is what it seems like. There must be this facet of our society that likes to be sick and to get all the non-benefits of sickness. Huh, who would have thought? I think the worst offenders I’ve seen are those who sit inside or outside in public places that feel that a few feet away from others is enough to just take the mask off. This also includes our very own campus. You thought I was just talking to the Karens and Kens of the world? Nope. NSU students are just as guilty of this — even though we all had to take a mandatory course saying we will stay in compliance with NSU’s new regulations. It’s ridiculous when this happens literally a foot away or less from a sign that says to keep masks on at all times. You can’t avoid the emails or look down a hallway or a footpath without seeing all those blue mask signs. You’d have to be purposefully blocking out each constant daily reminder to “forget” to wear your mask. I understand if you are actively eating or drinking that you can’t do that with a mask on, but By: Alexander Martinie Opinions Editor We finally have a competent leader. A leader who is not fascist. A leader with actual political experience that respects minority groups. We now have a leader that does not make America the laughingstock of the global community. This is a step in the right direction, but this is not a time for complacency. Biden may have started his presidency with action by overturning many of Trump’s decisions, but that does not mean that we can just sit back and watch. We must urge him and other elected officials to push for the progressive policies that this country needs. Just because he is a Democrat does not mean that we will go along with whatever he wants without question. We voted a fascist out of the office of president to escape that fate. Unlike Trump’s Republicans, we have no problem questioning our elected officials. Biden simply starting his presidency does not make all of the nation’s problems magically disappear, but it is a step in the right direction. Once again, we have a leader that believes in science. One that does not think that COVID-19 is a “Chinese hoax” and one that has an actual plan to work to get out of this pandemic. We have a leader that wants to work with other countries to solve the world’s problems instead of spreading isolationary nationalism from a bunker. Yes, I am never going to let go of the fact that Trump hid in a bunker in fear of peaceful protestors while he sat and watched live coverage of his supporters committing domestic terrorism in the Capitol Building. Trump has been impeached twice, endorsed by the KKK and Taliban, stoked flames of insurgency and treason, but people still think that he made America “great.” What he did was destroy our international relations and any respect that people still had for him and the Republican party. Biden has a lot of work ahead of him if he is to fix the mistakes of his predecessors. Republicans, take note of how I said predecessors. I have no problem with criticizing other Democrats. When Trump put children in cages, Republicans asked “What about when Obama did it?” Okay? Your point? It was never okay. It was not something that should have been done. All politicians have flaws, yet the GOP loves to idolize their politicians, like how they idolize Regan as a pure and godly man instead of a war criminal or how they treat Trump like a messiah figure against their conspiracy theories. Biden is far from perfect. Biden has many things to work on, but he is a lot better than Trump. PRINTED WITH PERMISSION BY F. SHABAN PRINTED WITH PERMISSION BY C. MCLAUGHLIN THIS is the proper way to wear a mask don’t try and pretend that you are eating a snack or drinking your coffee for the entire five hours you study in the UC. You’re just inconsiderate and I lose all respect for you. That tells me that you cut corners in every aspect of your life. That you don’t commit or stick by your convictions. The school is supposed to be cracking down on these mask violators, and even though I haven’t heard a case of that yet nor do I expect students to “tattle-tale” on each other to the administration, it just proves that just because something is expected of you, it doesn’t mean that everyone will have the decency to do the right thing. By: Christina McLaughlin Co-Editor-in-Chief