The Current | Vol. 31 Issue 17

January 12, 2021 | 6 Arts & Entertainment Brownie cookies according to TikTok How to make a hot chocolate bomb I don’t know if my phone just has a weird way of reading my mind, but recently, I came across a recipe video on TikTok about cookies that were made with brownie mix at the same time I was thinking about both brownies and cookies. I just had to make them -- what can be better than brownie cookies? There were several issues with this TikTok, the biggest issue being that they did not label the exact ingredients that were needed to make this dessert correctly. I have made cookies in the past, so I was fairly certain I could replicate the recipe without any issue, but things like the measurements and baking time were slightly off. The TikTok instructed that 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit would be enough baking time for these brownie cookies. However, when I took the cookies A new dessert dubbed the “hot chocolate bomb” appeared across social media throughout the holidays, and regardless of if you buy them premade or make them yourself, it’s a treat you’re going to want to try. Hot chocolate bombs are hollow chocolate spheres filled with dry hot chocolate mix and mini marshmallows. They practically explode in your cup of warm water or milk and can be a great gift or a fundessert tomakewith friends. Making your own may be difficult, but the end product is delicious and fun. How to make the hot chocolate bombs: 1. Begin by chopping your chocolate as finely as possible with a kitchen knife. For the best results, use good quality chocolate. Chocolate bars with high amounts of cocoa butter or that contain at least 65% cocoa are best. 2. Place 24 ounces of the chopped chocolate into a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. out after 10minutes, they still weren’t ready. I left them for three minutes longer to make sure they would bake thoroughly then took them out to cool. The brownie cookies were complete, but they were a bit too crunchy for my taste. If anyone enjoys food and TikTok as much as I do, I suggest finding better recipe videos, even if the short little baking TikToks look fun. It is hard to interpret a recipe when you don’t have everything you need, especially after watching a one minute video where the meal came out perfectly. Not everything is going to be perfect after the first try -- my cookies sure weren’t. The following is my recipe including adjustments: Brownie cookies (32 cookies) - 1 box brownie mix - ½ cup all purpose flour - 2 large eggs - 5 tablespoons vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon water -mini chocolate chips (your preference) 3. Remove the chocolate from the microwave and stir. Make sure you fold it from the edges of the bowl to the center. This will evenly heat the c ho c o l a t e , which will help you later on. 4. Put the c h o c o l a t e back in the mic r owave for 15 seconds, then remove. 5. U s i n g your food thermometer, m a k e sure your c h o c o l a t e is not over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have fully melted chocolate, making sure it is not over 90 degrees. 7. To ensure your chocolate is properly melted, place a spoonful atop parchment paper into the fridge for By: Veronica Richard Contributing Writer five minutes. If the chocolate is shiny and breaks apart loudly, then you have done it correctly. 8. Clean your silicone molds by using a paper towel until they are shiny. Any residue will affect the chocolate. 9. Using your clean ¼ inch paint brush, place a thin layer of your melted chocolate at the bottom and sides of the molds. Coat it entirely. Do not fill. 10. Place it into the fridge for five minutes. 11.Remove the molds from the fridge and repeat step nine by adding another coat of chocolate to the molds. Place it back into the fridge for five minutes. 12. Remove from the fridge, and if the steps were done correctly, your chocolate will easily release from the mold and be ready to assemble. 13. Flip your silicone mold upside down to hold your chocolate halves. Fill three of the chocolate halves ¾ of the way with hot chocolate mix and mini marshmallows. 14. Take the leftover melted chocolate and put it into a piping bag. Pipe a layer of chocolate on the rim of the chocolate halves. 15. Place an empty chocolate half onto the top of the full chocolates and press down gently to seal. 16. Using a paper towel, gently remove any excess melted chocolate from the sides for a clean look OR roll in sprinkles to decorate the sides. How to use your hot chocolate bomb: 1. Heat your milk or water until it is steaming, but not boiling. 2. Place your hot chocolate bomb at the bottom of your cup and pour your milk or water on top. 3. Watch the chocolate bomb explode. By: Ana Maria Soto Contributing Writer Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Follow the mixing guide on the back of the brownie mix box and use a spoon to scoop out the brownie batter onto a baking sheet 3. Bake for 10-12 minutes. (Time really depends on how big your cookies are.) PRINTED WITH PERMISSION BY A. SOTO Some freshly baked TikTok Brownie Cookies