The Current | Vol. 31 Issue 16

January 5, 2021 | 4 Features Gain the NSU edge by engaging in undergraduate research Given the current circumstances of the world, the pursuit of “normal” often seems almost ludicrous. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way we interact with each other, take classes and so much more, life must go on. As students graduate and begin their job search or post-graduate plans, graduate schools and potential employers will still be scouring resumes and cover letters looking for students who made the most of their undergraduate experience. One way to maximize your time as an undergrad is to enrich your college experience by engaging in research. Participating in research has a plethora of benefits and can make you stand out as an applicant on a grad school or job application. Jeff Hartman, the assistant director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Office of Experiential Education and First Year Experience, explained that students have It can be challenging to decipher between what we can live without and substitute for something inexpensive. Sometimes, it may seem easier to just spend money rather than finding cheaper alternatives, but there are many small changes you can make to save money as a college student. There are many opportunities and resources that NSU offers its students that can be extremely helpful. “Wants are limitless in our minds, but our needs are more fundamental and involve the basics: food, shelter, stability and a reasonable standard of living. Throughout this pandemic, students should be focused on needs more than wants,” said Albert Williams, an associate professor and the chair of finance and economics at NSU. Psychology is a very popular major of study for college students across the country. Additionally, according to the American Psychiatric Association, 57% of psychology baccalaureates enter the workforce after graduating, while 25% go on to earn graduate degrees. With that in mind, a person with a bachelor’s in psychology has many options for job opportunities and career paths. “What a psychology undergraduate degree prepares you for almost any job in the sense that you have learned how to communicate, write, work as part of a team, and uniquely with psychology you learn those research and statistical skills that are really valuable in the workforce. So psychology is a sort of a liberal arts degree whereas as undergraduates you are prepared for a wide range of jobs,” said Matt Collins, director of undergraduate program and associate professor of cognitive psychology for the College of Psychology. Entry level psychology jobs Many entry level jobs in the field of psychology require technical programs or certifications that psychology baccalaureates can succeed in, such as behavior technicians and analysts. Both of these jobs deal with applied behavioral analysis, which is the application of behaviorist theories and a variety of options when it comes to research as an undergrad. When looking for research opportunities, the first place he recommends to start is with your professors. “What I usually recommend students do for their first step is always to talk to a current or past faculty member to ask them about any research opportunities. If faculty are not currently working on a project, they may have a colleague who is looking for students to help with a project,” said Hartman. Connecting with professors in your field of interest can be a great way to form connections and develop meaningful relationships with your professors. When the time comes for letters of recommendation, having a solid, working relationship with someone in your field of interest can be a huge plus. “If students need a letter of recommendation for professional or graduate school, they have a Investing in your savings: Needs vs. wants Saving money can be beneficial long term, but it really comes down to your mindset. “Saving money is a core part of money management. Having a financial cushion to meet emergencies is imperative,” said Williams. Things such as getting your nails done or buying the hottest shoes on the market are considered wants. Before purchasing anything, ask yourself if it is something that you can live without or possibly substitute for something less costly. Shopping for new clothes and shoes can be so simple with the swipe of a card. It may not seem like the items being picked up are costly, but everything adds up. Once everything adds up, you behavior modification to socially “abnormal” behaviors. Outside of applied behavioral analysis, students can use their degree in case work or in community programs. Research, clinical practice and graduate programs For those that are more interested in experimental psychology or clinical psychology, graduate programs are the next step after earning a bachelor’s degree. In psychology, there are three separate types of graduate degree programs: master’s degree, doctorate in psychology (Psy.D.) and doctorate in philosophy in psychology (Ph.D.). Master’s and Psy.D. programs focus on teaching skills for clinical practice. A master’s degree opens more opportunities in fields like social work or counseling. A Ph.D. program has two tracks: experimental and clinical psychology. A Ph.D. program in experimental psychology trains graduate students for research in the theoretical applications of psychologywhile a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology trains graduate students for both research and clinical practice. For more information on graduate programs in psychology, NSU’s College of Psychology has resources and faculty that can help students. Jobs outside of psychology Many careers while not requiring a degree in psychology, benefit from knowledge Navigating savings and budgets as a college student What can you do with a bachelor’s in psychology? relationship with the faculty member who can talk about their skills, their knowledge and their ability to apply those concepts in a real-life situation,” said Hartman. Students can utilize the NSU subject matter experts tool on NSU’s website to locate and contact faculty members who have a wide breadth of knowledge in a given area. For example, if a student is interested in cancer research, reaching out to a professor who already works with this topic can be the perfect place to start. From completing a literature review to doing data entry or analyzing data, there are many ways students can engage in the process of research. The Office of Undergraduate Research also provides tools for students to help them find research opportunities (and even earn ExEL units while doing it). Compiled lists of opportunities in different colleges and departments at NSU, summer experiences and other off-campus opportunities can be found on the office’s website may notice that you do not have enough to cover needs such as food, rent and textbooks. It is very tempting to buy things we want, especially when we create reasons to convince ourselves why the item is a must-have. It is imperative to have self- control when shopping. Getting deals, cutting costs and finding funds Instead of buying new textbooks, buy used textbooks. Cooking your ownmeals or usingNSU declining balance rather than eating out can be cost-effective, since eating out can be expensive and adds up quickly. There are many campus amenities that can be used such as the gym, the library, free activities and counseling that can help you cut down on spending. There are also plenty of the field. A career in human resources or business management is a great way to apply industrial organizational psychology. Industrial organizational psychology is a branch of applied experimental psychology that focuses on workplace productivity and relations. Cognitive psychology and the application of principles of learning and memory can be useful in teaching professions. Psychoanalyst Erik Erikson is often quoted and are a great resource to help students pursue their research interests. Handshake is also a helpful way to locate and apply for research positions. Hartman also explained that engaging in research can develop time management skills, help you hone your independence, improve your problem-solving abilities and apply concepts you learn in the classroom to real- life experiences. If students have any questions about finding a mentor or research opportunity, Hartman encourages them to reach out to the Office of Undergraduate Research to see what opportunities are best for them and how they can get involved. As you start this newsemester, remember to take advantage of your time at NSU and utilize available resources to help you gain the NSU edge. of scholarships that you can apply for, which can help alleviate the cost of tuition. “Speak to advisors to inquire what scholarships are available. Join the honors program -- there is usually a scholarship for being a part of it,” said Williams. There are a variety of scholarships out there and can be beneficial in the long run because they will save you hefty payments in the future. It is difficult to cut back on things that we are used to having in our lives, but it does not mean that we can never have them. Just ensure that your budget allows for those extra items after your needs are taken care of. Saving money as a college student will pave the path for your money spending habits in the future. as having said, “Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence.We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.” While Erikson meant this for the relationship between people, it also speaks to the need for interdisciplinary approaches to study. Whatever field you wish to go into, any career can benefit from an understanding of the mind. By: Emma Heineman Features Editor By: Briana Ramnauth Contributing Writer PRINTED WITH PERMISSION BY K. BAPTISTE Recent Alum, Kiara Baptise, graduating with a BS in Psychology, moving on to her degree into the clinical field. By: Alexander Martinie Opinions Editor