The Current | Vol. 31 Issue 9

The Student-Run Newspaper of Nova Southeastern University October 6, 2020 | Vol. 31, Issue 9 | The Sharks are moving on up P. 9 The Middle East “peace deal” is more than meets the eye Features Finding Fitness: Paddle your way to physical wellness Freaky features: Demonic date night NSU work to understand migrational patterns of hammerhead sharks P. 11 P. 7 P. 4 Sports Arts & Entertainment Opinions PRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM NSU ARCHIVES This year, amidst a pandemic, NSU made a 19-spot jump to land at 227 in the college rankings for 2021, with a U.S. News Overall Score of a 48/100. In previous years, NSU has ranked 246 on U.S. News & World Report’s National Universities List. According to the U.S. News website, “Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.” These may include student- faculty ratio, demographics, graduation rates and more. “I feel a great sense of pride and satisfaction that our constant efforts to assess our university and make improvements is resulting in increased national recognition,” said Donald Rudawsky, vice president of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. NSU has also received significant rankings in other categories. For Top Performers on Social Mobility, the university ranked 113 out of almost 400 nationally accredited universities. According to the U.S. News, schools may advance their social mobility by “…enrolling and graduating large proportions of disadvantaged students awarded with Pell Grants.” Pell Grants are awarded to assist undergrad students with dire financial needs who have never graduated from a university, but show exceptional work through academics and sports. These rankings are reflected in NSU’s recent attendance and enrollment statistics. The number of undergraduate students is greater than ever before, and the university is seeing the largest incoming freshman class -- the class of 2024 has welcomed 2,001 new Sharks this academic year. “Improvements in the college experience at NSU have driven improved outcomes, such as a timely graduation, which leads to improved rankings. Of course, I would also expect that a rise in the rankings would increase our Shark Pride, which is great in and of itself,” said Rudawsky. Despite COVID-19, NSU has kept school spirit alivewith socially distanced activities and extra sanitization, allowing for the expansion of new students. While NSU is expanding, other universities around the nation have seen a decrease in enrollment and a surge in coronavirus cases, leading to cancellations and closures. “Our work is not done – it will never be done as we continue to strive to be better every day,” said President Hanbury. We are working our way through this pandemic as one Shark family. Together, we have achieved greatness despite the unfortunate circumstances we have been put in. By: Veronica Richard Contributing Writer