The Current | Vol. 31 Issue 12
October 27, 2020 | 11 Opinions There is no such thing as being too old for Halloween A cat is aman’s best friend A crisp breeze of an autumn afternoon mixed with the intoxicating aroma of pumpkin spice everything complimented by a pleasing aesthetic of warm shades varying of yellow, orange, red, purple and brown create what we all know and love when we come to think of the fall. We all have our favorite memories of the season, whether it be running through a pumpkin patch with our families or significant others or getting creative with our costumes. Of all the great memories made during this time of the year, Halloween is specifically a time of great imagination and festivity. Dressing up and getting to go door to door gathering as much candy and treats as your small child arms could carry make for some of the best childhood memories. Going to Spirit Halloween stores that popped out of nowhere to buy your costume and bag for candy still I knowwhat you’re thinking: ”Don’t you mean a dog is a man’s best friend?” No, I don’t. It’s not that I have anything against dogs, but I think cats deserve a bit more recognition for the infinite amounts of joy and companionship they give to their owners, too. Oct. 29 is National Cat Day, and it’s time we acknowledge cats as more holds a place in your heart. You would think everyone would be happy to see the youth celebrating the holiday, but there’s a select group of “Halloween scrooges” that might say you’re too old to celebrate. Too old for Halloween, nonsense. The age-old tradition of Halloween is something that people look forward to all year and is my favorite holiday. I remember one Halloween when I was 13 years old, I was looking aftermy little sister and brother, who were 11 and 9 years old, and we walked up to this older woman’s house. After placing huge handfuls of candy in my siblings’ baskets, she looked at me through the holes in my costume’s eyes and told me that I was too old to be trick-or-treating. Why would someone do something so heinous and honestly evil? Whether or not you believe that there should be an age limit on enjoying your life and going out to experience Halloween, it’s just plain rude to say that to a little kid. than pets for people who don’t have the time for a dog. As an extremely happy cat owner for over four years, I’ll be using my own experience to argue against a couple of common preconceptions of cats, which contribute to their lack of respect in the pet- owner realm. People say that cats don’t have enough emotional capacity to truly forma loving bond By: Gabriel J. Stone Contributing Writer By: Nicole Shaker Contributing Writer By: Tay Murphy Contributing Writer A day in the life of a Black woman If this year has taught us anything, it is to expect the unexpected. When we rang in the New Year, most of us were worrying more about resolutions and future vacations than face masks and social distancing. Yet, here we are, facing a global pandemic that has threatened our way of life. However, for Black people, this isn’t the first epidemic we have faced. Growing up, I was taught more that I descended from sharecroppers and slaves than the royal blood that flowed within my veins. My mother made sure to educate me from a young age about my future hardships and struggles. “You’ll have to work twice as hard and be twice as smart as everyone else. They’re going to treat you differently regardless of what you do. It’s up to you to prove themwrong,” she said. Now at 20, I understand what she was referring to. Being a Black woman means that I will be expected to keep a brave face, no matter what. I’m expected to be my strongest when I am really at my lowest point. I’m supposed to preserve no matter what comes my way because I have to. Looking back, I never understood what we had to prove to them, until this year. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Abuery. George Floyd. According to CBS News, there have been 164 confirmed Black lives taken by police in just this year. Yet, no one understands the silent “too” underneath our chants of “Black Lives Matter.” In a time where we need more than ever to pull together, we are all silently watching it crumble in the fist of civil injustice and economic downfall. It was not until I was 12 that I had my first real experience with racism. Before we moved to Florida, my family lived about an hour outside of Atlanta. My mother was a single mom working full time for UPS. While I did not get to see her much, she made sure that my brother and I had everything we needed. My grandmother lived with us and took care of us while she was at work. Before high school, most of the schools I attended were predominantlyWhite. To read the full verision of a day in the life of a Black woman, visit . with their owners. It’s true that a dog is more likely to jump on you the second you come home and constantly crave your attention in the form of hugs, petting and playing games, but cats are way more emotionally intelligent and sensitive than most give them credit for. I’ll use myself to push this point. I’m a human, and no one would argue that I don’t have feelings or that I’m not capable of developing loving relationships. However, howoften I showmy emotions is a completely different story. I’m independent, I keep to myself most of the time and I only really consider myself close to a few people. Sound familiar? Cats are the same.Theymay seemwholly indifferent to human affairs, but seeming is very different from being. When they’re around you enough, they know what you’re feeling. When I’m sad, I often sit on my bed in complete stillness. This is very different from my usual hustling and bustling manner everyone around me is used to. My cat, Ella, senses this change and knows how to make me feel just a little bit better within an instant. She cuddles up next to me and caresses her head against my shoulder. She licks my hand and curls up in my lap. She shows me more affection when I’m less motivated to show it to her, disproving the notion that cats are only self-concerned. If you show your cat love, they will recognize that, and you can be fully assured that they’re not just sticking around for the food. Another preconceived notion is that cats just “don’t domuch.” I’ll be honest; they don’t without a bit of prodding. However, it’s just in their nature to keep to themselves and do the minimum in most circumstances. Don’t be fooled, though. Every cat I’ve ever met has jumped eagerly whenever I wave a string in front of their face. Ella is quite old, but she’s still always down to play and chase anything I taunt her with. In my experience, cats also love going outside to run amongst the tiny animals and scratch the bark of trees. They love being out in nature and even just watching them play around outside from a distance is a complete joy. Most cats wouldn’t run up to you and beg you to do something with them, but when you see how their eyes light up when you want to play, your heart will just burst. Like any respectable pet, they want to be pet. Cats usually only let a couple of people comfortably pet them — they form few tight bonds and value self-preservation — but it’s the absolute greatest feeling when you know you’re one of those people. Lastly, there are ultra-friendly cats who act like they’re best friends with everyone they meet -- I’m telling you, they exist. It’s unfair that cats get a bad reputation and are often overshadowed by dogs just because they’re instinctively independent and like to sleep a lot. If you’re looking for a pet, give a cat a chance. There are millions with different personalities, and I can guarantee that you’ll find one who loves you more than you ever expected, even if she only tells you in the smallest ways. She didn’t even give me any candy, but my siblings shared, so goes to show her. Eventually, we all decide to hang up the old candy bag in exchange for a different kind of memorable Halloween night and let the next generation of children get to enjoy the experiences we will cherish for a lifetime, but why rush? We should all encourage each other’s enjoyment in life and hold on to that youthful exuberance. PHOTO PRINTED PERMISSION BY F. SHABAN You’re never too old to dress up PHOTO PRINTED PERMISSION BY F. SHABAN Enjoying the presence of a black cat
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