NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  5 aid (verb), aide (noun) • This discovery will aid in the fight against diabetes. • She works as an aide in Senator Johnson’s office. allow, enable, empower Allow is to let do, to let happen. Use enable instead, if the context is appropriate; it’s more active and positive. Enable is to provide with means, opportunity, power, or authority. Empower is to give power or authority. (Use sparingly. This word is becoming a cliché.) The governor signed the education bill, allowing it to pass, empowering school administrators to raise teachers’ salaries, and enabling thousands of children to return to school. all right, not alright Generally speaking, alright is considered informal, and therefore, university publications use all right. all-time (adj.) Use the hyphen. Note: The phrase all-time record is illogical. The word record itself incorporates the data of all previous time, and no record can purport to stand for all time. a lot This is always written as two words. Additionally, as this phrase lacks precision, it is better not to use it in formal writing. See also lots. although Be sure not to confuse the usage of although with that of while, which suggests the passage of time. • Although I studied Shakespeare, I enjoy modern theater. • NOT While I studied Shakespeare, I enjoy modern theater. See also while. alumnus, etc. • one man: alumnus • one woman: alumna • two or more men: alumni (last syllable rhymes with try) • two or more women: alumnae (last syllable rhymes with tree) • for a group containing both men and women: alumni Alum is not preferred, but, per MW, may be used in casual conversation or informal writing as a gender-neutral alternative for a single graduate. Alums should never be used. a.m., p.m. Use periods and lowercase letters to express morning or afternoon. Always use four digits to express times. Note: Avoid 12 noon and 12 midnight; noon and midnight are sufficient. Unless starting a sentence, please lowercase these designations, as well. • 10:00 a.m. (NOT 10 a.m. or 10 this morning). • The seminar will meet from 11:00 a.m. to noon. (NOT The seminar will meet from 11 a.m. to Noon.) America When referring to this country, use United States or U.S. instead. The word America refers to two continents rather than to a specific country in one of them. See also U.S.