NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

84  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Official Logo The NSU wordmark (logo) is the university’s primary graphic identifier. It is the property of Nova Southeastern University and must be used appropriately. In order to maintain a consistent image for the university, the logo should never be recreated or altered in any manner. Logos may be obtained at nova.edu/brand. NSU BASIC GRAPHIC IDENTITY STANDARDS The Official University Typography The official university typefaces are the Gotham and Goudy family of fonts. Gotham and Goudy are used in NSU’s wordmark and seal. NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Gotham NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Goudy Official Seal NSU’s seal is the highest symbol of academic excellence. Use of the seal is reserved exclusively for materials from the Office of the President and official documents, such as diplomas, certificates, and awards. The seal should never be used in place of the NSU logo. NSU Wordmark (Horizontal Version) NSU Wordmark (Stacked Version) NSU Seal NSU Wordmark Lockup (Horizontal Version) Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice shown NSU Wordmark Lockup (Stacked Version) Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice shown For more brand information, go to the NSU Brand Guide at nova.edu/brand or scan the QR code on this page.