NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  83 Line Art Art created by solid lines rather than halftones. Logo A graphic mark or emblem commonly used to promote instant public recognition of an organization. Logos can be either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark). Logo Lockup A logo with additional name added in a standardized manner Masthead Also called nameplate. The title design of a particular publication, such as a magazine or newspaper. Mock-Up A simulation of the final publication, indicating folds, pages, colors, and finished size. One-Color The least expensive color process (black is a color). Page One side of a leaf in a publication. Perfect Binding Binding that uses a flexible adhesive instead of staples (as in saddle stitch), resulting in a spine; larger catalogs and handbooks are usually perfect bound. Printer’s Proof Hardcopy proofs showing all job elements in place and color corrections that may be requested. This final proof shows exactly how the printed piece will look. Alterations at this point can be prohibitively expensive. This proof was formerly called a blueline. Production Putting design and type elements together, creating a final proof. Proofreading Checking a previously edited proof for typos only, not content; also called proofing. Proofs Design versions of typeset text and layout for proofreading. Ragged Referring to an unjustified margin, whether left or right. Resolution or Image Resolution The detail an image holds. The term applies to digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail. Images can be said to be high, low, or medium resolution. Low-resolution images can be used for electronic media, but printed collateral requires higher resolution. Reprint An extra press run of a publication with either no or only minor changes. If there are even minor changes, a new job number will be assigned. Return Card (Business Reply) A card meeting postal regulations that is attached to a publication. Post office charges only for cards that are returned. Reverse (Knocked-Out) When text or images are reversed out of a printed background so that they appear in the color of the paper being printed on. Scanning The process of converting hard copy material into a nonmanipulatable electronic format. Screens Used for converting photos to a dot pattern for printing or to create various tints or tones from solid colors. Self-Mailer Publication meeting postal requirements that has a printed indicia for mailing without an envelope. Spread Two pages that face each other and are designed as one visual or production unit. Tabloid Half the size of a standard newspaper, folded magazine-style. Varnish Clear finish—either dull or glossy— added to a printed piece to enhance its appearance. White Space Area in a design not occupied by type or artwork. Wordmark, or logo, is usually a distinct typographic treatment of the name of an institution that is used for branding purposes.