NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

82  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY GLOSSARY OF PUBLICATION AND PRINTING TERMS Annotating Making marks on an electronic proof, such as a PDF, in the Adobe Acrobat software. Art All designed elements, such as illustrations, photos, type. Art Direction The supervision of a project to bring clarity and definition to the creative work. Art direction provides a strategy on which to build design. It determines how the work will tell a story or communicate a specific message. It is about the development of a concept and an overall visual appearance that will evoke the right response and emotions. Binding Finishing work done to a publication after printing, such as folding, collating, taping, stitching, or trimming. Bleed A printed area that extends past the edge of a page and is trimmed off. Boldface A heavier, darker version of any typeface. Brochure A publication made from one piece of paper, folded to create a number of panels. Caption Copy accompanying a photo or illustration, also called a cutline. Centered Type Copy centered on the page. Coated Paper or Stock Paper with a smooth finish (glossy or matte) preferred for sharpness in type and photos or heavy ink coverage. More expensive than uncoated papers. Color Separation Process that breaks down a color photo into four primary colors for printing. Comp Short for comprehensive layout; designer’s concept of a publication, showing placement of type, photos, illustrations, and colors. Copy or Text Manuscript or words, written and usually supplied by client. Crop To trim away unwanted portions of a photo. Design Proofs Typeset text and layout for review in hardcopy or electronic formats. Die-Cutting The process used to cut special shapes in the paper used for a publication. Digital Printing A printing process that fuses dry inks or toners to paper instead of solventbased inks; it is used in the offset lithography printing process. Duotone A photo (halftone) printed with two colors, one dominant and the other as an accent. Editing Making changes to original copy to improve its accuracy, clarity, and consistency. Electronic Proof A proof viewed on an electronic device. The most common form would be in portable document format (PDF). File Format Various types of electronic files, such as JPG, DOC, TIF, PNG, PDF, and EPS. Final Proof The last proof signed off by the client before sending the job to the printer. Flush Lining up copy; flush left at the left margin, flush right at the right margin. Four-Color Process Printing process that produces full-color publications. Graphic Design The process of putting together the elements of a publication to achieve the desired visual impact. Halftone A photo converted, for printing, into a pattern of dots. Hardcopy Proof A proof that is printed on paper or another substance. Illustration A graphic, picture, or design created by hand or machine. Indicia Postal information, including permit number and class of mail, printed on a publication or envelope. Italic A typeface with letters slanted to the right. Justified Type Left and right margins are even, resulting in proportional spacing between words. Layout Design sketch showing the relative positions of copy and artwork as they will appear in the finished publication.