NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

80  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF PRINTING AND PUBLICATIONS PROJECT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES GENERAL INFORMATION FOR PROJECT SUBMISSION • Submit an Office of Printing and Publications (PUB) Requisition Form along with all the project elements, such as text, photos, charts, and project-size dimensions (e.g., 5 x 7 inches, 2 x 3 feet) in your Microsoft Teams channel or via email, if a Teams channel hasn’t been created yet for your area. Additionally, please provide as much detail as possible about your project to expedite the production process and prevent confusion. • Be aware that all provided text must be reviewed and edited by the PUB editing team to ensure it conforms to the university’s style, grammar, and branding guidelines. • Ideally, all communication related to your project will be done in the Microsoft Teams channel that is created or already exists for your college/department/project. • For smaller projects, such as flyers and ads, contact PUB at least one week in advance of when the final product needs to be in your hands. • Larger projects, such as newsletters, brochures, displays, posters, T-shirts, and informational booklets, need to be slotted into the PUB production schedule at least three weeks in advance. • Photos and all art elements (logos, illustrations, charts, etc.) should be submitted in a highresolution, digital format of at least one megabyte (1 MB). Photos for large displays should be at least 10 MB. • For information about how to annotate a PDF or other helpful hints to assist with your project, please visit nova.edu/publications/production.html. NEW PROJECTS • Please provide the text you want designed in a Microsoft Word document. • Include full names, degrees, fellowships, titles, and institutional affiliations for all individuals referenced in your text. • All project elements (approved text, logos, photos, charts, etc.) should be provided before the design process begins. Make sure all individuals involved with the project in your area approve the content before it is provided to the PUB team. • Select one contact person from your office to interact with the PUB office to ensure accuracy and expediency. UPDATES TO EXISTING PROJECTS (ABOVE GUIDELINES ALSO APPLY) • Updates to existing projects should be handled as follows:  F or smaller projects (e.g., ads, one-page flyers, program sheets), simply annotate the existing PDF with your changes.  F or large projects (e.g., handbooks, catalogs, manuals) that have minimal changes, simply annotate the existing PDF with your changes.  F or large projects (e.g., handbooks, catalogs, manuals) that have a mix of minor edits along with massive rewrites of various sections, please provide an annotated PDF that incorporates the minor changes, as well as a Word document that contains the replacement sections (with explanation) to expedite the editing and design process. If you have a question regarding this process, please contact a member of the PUB editing team.