NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

78  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY If you use the correct tools, it is easier and clearer to see exactly what you need. Save the text boxes and call outs for instructions. 5. DON’T INSERT TEXT WITH THE STRIKETHROUGH TEXT ICON. A. Don’t insert text by using the “Strikethrough text” icon (A). It can be easily overlooked. Yes, if you double click on your strikethrough, a dialogue box will appear, but we don’t check for additional type once we see that something is deleted. If you want to replace text, instead of just deleting it, use the “Add note to replace text” icon (B). B. 6. DON’T LEAVE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS. Please make sure that any questions and comments are addressed and deleted before your job is sent to PUB. We usually can’t answer your questions. And, the extraneous comments may cause confusion and delay.