NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

76  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 2. DON’T USE MORE ICONS THAN YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR EDIT. The main icons are very precise. If you stick to them, it is very clear what you want done. No explanation is needed. All questions and comments should be addressed before you send a PDF. Don’t tell us what you are going to do, then tell us why you are going to do it, then do it in several steps, then explain what you’ve done. In the words of that sneaker company, “Just do it!” This is wrong. Four comments are being used for one edit. The number of comments in this document is going to be truly intimidating. Do this instead. One comment, very clearly used. 3. DON’T KEY IN INFORMATION. Don’t key in new text, or reformat old text, using the “Add text comment” icon, or any other icon. This can easily be missed. Then, your changes won’t be made. This is the “Add text comment” icon in Adobe Reader.