NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

4  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Spell out street, avenue, boulevard, drive, etc., where space permits. Although CMS recommends spelling out street addresses under one hundred (as in Ninety-Third Street), this can be cumbersome. NSU style suggests using numerals for all building numbers and street addresses. The important thing is to be consistent. Use periods only in one-letter compass directions, such as N. or S., but not in twoletter compass directions, such as NW and SE. Finally, NSU addresses must use the plus four (last four digits) on ZIP codes whenever possible. • 3300 S. University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004 • 3375 SW 75th Avenue See also directions and regions and state names. See NSU addresses (page 60) for a current list of university addresses. admissions Please note that NSU’s various admissions offices use the plural. • Office of Admissions • NOT Office of Admission Advanced Placement tests Use the abbreviation AP without periods. adviser/advisor Merriam-Webster’s and most other dictionaries and style/grammar guides prefer the -er suffix. For consistency’s sake, adviser will be spelled with the -er ending when used independently (adviser), with other titles (e.g., residential adviser), or if several different advisers are also mentioned in the document (e.g., financial adviser, academic adviser). See also academic advisor. affect, effect Most often, affect is used as a verb and effect as a noun. If you’re not sure which to use, try substituting one of the definitions below into your sentence. If you are using the correct word, the substitution will make sense. Another option is to use the mnemonic device “To Affect is to Act on, but the Effect is the rEsult.” affect (verb): to influence or sway; impact • Rising prices affect everyone. • The loss of her brother affected her deeply. effect (verb): to bring about, cause, or implement • The trade embargo effected the rise in oil prices. • His vitamins effected a positive change in his mood. effect (noun): a result or accomplishment • The rain had little effect on the drought. • Her emotional outburst was just for effect. affect (noun): an emotional state This usage is essentially obsolete, but is still used as a psychological term. • The depressed patient showed little affect. African American See Black and nationality and race. after-school/before-school program ages Spell out all ages under 10. Ages expressed as adjectives before a noun or as substitutes for a noun use hyphens. If no age modifier is specified, it is presumed to be years. • She will turn 15 next week. • He is five years old. • He is a five-year-old. See also numbers.