NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

72  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 8. THE COMMENT BUBBLE (ADD STICKY NOTE) Click the “Add sticky note” icon. Insert your comment in the dialog box. A problematic issue with the bubble is that it tends to move around each time you open the PDF— this makes it difficult for the editor to pinpoint exactly what text is being changed. It is much better to use either the “Add note to text” (1) or the “Add note to replace text” (4) icon. If you are simply making a general comment, you can use the “Add text box” (6) or “Text Callout” (7). Text boxes, callouts, and sticky notes can be used well with other icons to explain if something will be done more than once (e.g. making all names bold). This will be demonstrated as we go on. 9. THE PENCIL AND ERASER Click on the Pencil “Draw free form” or Eraser “Erase drawing” icons. Use your mouse to either draw or erase lines. You can use your pencil to indicate deletions of graphics or large sections of text. You can also use it to number items or make small symbols.