NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  53 dash There are several types of dashes, each with specific uses. For the purposes of this manual, there are three types to know: the em dash, the en dash, and the hyphen. None of the three should have spaces before or after them in running text. The em dash (—) is the longest and denotes an abrupt change, interruption, or emphatic phrase. It can also be used to help indicate a pause in a sentence, to set off a series that is already using commas, or to help clarify specific locations. • The professor’s hypothesis—though rejected by scholars—actually had merit. • NSU’s health colleges—composed of the colleges of osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, psychology, optometry, health care sciences, dental medicine, nursing, and allopathic medicine—offer a dedicated and professional faculty. • University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill • Hilton—Downtown The en dash (–) is shorter than the em dash and is used between a number range, connecting inclusive numbers. • He was there from 1980–1984. • The class has three–six children. • 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., pages 38–45 The hyphen (-) is used for numbers that are not inclusive, such as phone numbers; for hyphenated compound words, names, or modifiers; or to split a word at the end of a line, so part of it moves to the next line. • 800-541-6682, word-of-mouth, Olivia Newton-John, a fast-moving car • It was a four-story building. ellipsis Use this to indicate any omission from within a quoted passage. Three dots— beginning with a space, and with an additional space after each dot—indicate an omission within a sentence or between the first and last words of a quoted fragment. If the words preceding an ellipsis constitute a grammatically complete sentence, place a period at the end of the sentence, add a space, and then add the three dots, with spaces in between them. Important: Unless you have a clearly defensible reason, don’t use an ellipsis as a “trailing off” end to a phrase or sentence. exclamation point Use exclamation points sparingly. They can make writing look both juvenile and falsely enthusiastic. hyphen See dash. parentheses Remember that parentheses, though sometimes quite serviceable, are jarring to the reader. If you find them cropping up often in your writing, simplify your sentences or your thoughts; try including the parenthetical material some other way. If the parenthetical material is a fragment and comes at the end of your sentence, place the period outside the parenthesis (as with this example). But if the parenthetical material stands alone as a sentence, include the period within the parenthesis. (Such are the basics of correct punctuation.)