NSU STYLE MANUAL 49 white Please note that, while Black is capitalized, white is not. Historically, Black, and other previously used terms, have all referred to a race/culture that generally identify together as a single people, while white is a collective name for multiple groups that do not identify with the same culture or history. See also Black and nationality and race. who, whom Occasionally, the rules can be bent for the sake of a colloquial tone. • Correct: In an emergency, whom can you call? (Whom is the object of the verb call.) • Incorrect but colloquial: In an emergency, who can you call? whoever, whomever The form depends on the word’s use in the sentence. • Whoever answers the phone will receive my exciting message. (Whoever is the subject of the verb answers, and the entire phrase whoever answers the phone functions as the subject of the verb will receive.) • I will speak to whoever answers the phone. (This one is tricky. Whoever functions as the subject of the phrase answers the phone; the entire phrase whoever answers the phone is the object of the preposition to.) • Repeat this story to whomever you see. (Here, whomever is the object of you see, and whomever you see is also the object of the preposition to.) HINT: Try substituting anyone who or anyone whom; that might help you choose the correct form. wide- (prefix) usually takes a hyphen: wide-eyed, wide-open EXCEPTION: widespread -wide (suffix) does not take a hyphen: worldwide, statewide, campuswide EXCEPTION: The Chicago Manual of Style says to hyphenate long, cumbersome words like university-wide. Wi-Fi This is one hyphenated word, but note the capitalization. -wise (suffix) Avoid this suffix whenever you can. word division Most words are divided according to pronunciation. When in doubt, consult MW. Do not separate the elements within phrases such as 6:00 p.m., St. Catherine, and Mrs. Worthy. wordprocessing (adj., noun) one word words as words Put them in italics, not in quotation marks. “Distinguishing between whoever and whomever always confounds me,” he lamented. workforce, workplace (nouns)