NSU STYLE MANUAL 47 Vverbal See oral, written, verbal. verbs splitting verbs In general, avoid awkward constructions that split either the infinitive form of a verb (to leave, to help, etc.) or the compound forms (had left, have arrived, etc.). • She planned to leave immediately. • NOT She planned to immediately leave. • We had left home hurriedly. • NOT We had hurriedly left home. S ometimes, however, such splits are necessary for emphasis or to avoid misreading or ambiguity. • She wanted to really help her friend. • Those who do well are usually rewarded. • The budget was tentatively approved. to be constructions Forms of the verb to be, though extremely useful and popular in conversation, can make for weak writing. Whenever possible, substitute more energetic and colorful verbs in your sentences. • Student activities abound. • NOT There are many student activities. • She has earned an outstanding reputation as a student. • NOT She is a student with an outstanding reputation. versus Abbreviate as vs. in all uses. very This intensifier actually drains meaning from your sentences if used too often. (When too many points are emphasized, none stand out.) Often, you can find a more precise way of expressing your thoughts. • I was thrilled he asked me out. • NOT I was very happy he asked me out. • When my novel was rejected, I despaired. • NOT When my novel was rejected, I was very sad. vice president No hyphen; the same rule holds true for other vice compound words. video camera, video game two words videoconferencing, videotape one word visa An endorsement made on a passport that denotes that the bearer may proceed, or has been approved to enter, a country. Visa trademark name of credit card and company