46 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Uundergraduate (adj., noun) Avoid using the slang undergrad in formal writing. underway one word unique This word means “having no like or equal.” Logically, a thing cannot be “more unique,” “most unique,” or “very unique.” Try substituting another word, such as novel, exceptional, remarkable, rare, inimitable, peerless, incomparable, uncommon, or unusual. See also premier and priority. until Use the full word. Do not abbreviate it to till or ’til. -up (suffix) Follow MW; hyphenate if the word is not listed there. Sample nouns/adjectives: breakup, checkup, cleanup, close-up, follow-up, grown-up, makeup, mix-up, mock-up, pileup, runners-up, setup, shape-up BUT when any of these occur as a verb, write the word/suffix as two words. URL addresses URL (no periods) stands for uniform resource locator. This is the web address used to access sites on the Internet. Always italicize a URL. Do not underline. Include a period if the URL comes at the end of a sentence, but do not hyphenate if it is broken at the end of a line. • The web address for Nova Southeastern University is nova.edu. See also computer terms, web addresses (URLs), and website, web page. U.S. This abbreviation for United States can be used as an adjective or a noun, without spelling out the words first. However, in formal writing, it is preferred that you either spell out United States or use the nation when you need a noun. U.S. takes periods in NSU style to differentiate it from US, an abbreviation for NSU University School. Don’t use USA or America. See also America. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs The official name of the department is capped. Otherwise, veterans affairs, (previously referred to as veterans administration) is lowercased. Also, the official government website for this department does not use an apostrophe when referring to these. An apostrophe should only be used to indicate something being possessed by the veterans. • The G.I. Bill® is a veterans’ benefit. utilize Do not use utilize when use will suffice. • The subjects of this study will use computers. • NOT The subjects of this study will utilize computers.