NSU STYLE MANUAL 45 toward, towards As MW recommends, use toward, not towards. The same holds true for other similar combinations, such as backward, inward, and upward. trademarks Trademarks—such as Kleenex, Xerox, and Coke—should be capitalized. Check them in the Trade Names Directory, available in most public libraries. Avoid trademarks altogether when you can; use generic words instead: tissue, photocopy, soda. Some product names—such as thermos, nylon, and jeep—were originally brand names, but have come to be used commonly. Be wary of using these trademark names unless you are referring specifically to that product. • Levi’s/jeans • Jello/gelatin • Medication and drug names such as Prozac, Viagra, and Tylenol • Q-tips/cotton swab • Vaseline/petroleum jelly • Band-Aid/adhesive bandage • Scotch tape/tape transfer, transferred, transferring travel, traveled, traveling, traveler Note the spelling for these words. tricounty (adj.) one word, no hyphen T-shirt Note the capitalization. turnaround (noun) one word, no hyphen turn around (verb) two words TV Acceptable as an adjective or in such constructions as cable TV. Generally, though, use television as the noun.