44 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY titles of people Academic, civil, military, religious, and professional titles should be lowercased and follow personal names. • Karen Grosby, dean • Harry K. Moon, president and CEO of Nova Southeastern University. NSU style does not use courtesy/honorific titles, such as Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc., except in special circumstances. Note these exceptions: Dr. Kiran C. Patel and Dr. Pallavi Patel always get the Dr. in front of their names. In donor lists, donors can list their names however they choose. See also academic degrees, capitalization, and religious titles. titles of works Capitalize the first and last words and all the principal words, including prepositions and conjunctions of five or more letters. Lowercase a, the, and, or, for, nor, prepositions of less than five letters, and the to in infinitives. Don’t lowercase parts of speech other than those listed here— even if they’re less than five letters. Use Italics anthologies/collected works, art works, blog names, books, cartoons/comics, dance performances, movies, musical albums, newspapers, operas, pamphlets, periodicals, plays, podcasts, radio shows, songs, TV shows, video games, and web shows/series • Gone with the Wind • Butterflies Are Free • Christian Science Monitor • Chicago Fire • All Things Considered When the title of a newspaper or magazine is part of the name of a building, organization, prize, etc., it is not italicized. • L os Angeles Times Book Prize • S un Sentinel Excaliber Award • C hicago Defender Charities • Tribune Tower Use Quotation Marks Instead of Italics articles, blog posts, chapter headings, episodes of TV or radio shows, essays, papers, patents, photographs, posters, short poems, short stories, treatises, and unpublished written works (e.g., government reports, dissertations, theses, manuscripts, and printouts of speeches) • “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Use Capital Letters Only app titles, awards, board games with trademarks (e.g. Monopoly, but not chess), book series/editions (e.g., Time/ Life), conferences, exhibitions, meetings, panels, presentations, seminars, speeches not written, symposia, TV channels, newspaper sections, and website names • Lifestyles • Showtime For a more complete discussion on titles of works, see The Chicago Manual of Style. See also magazine names and newspaper names. toll-free (adj.), toll free (adv. phrase) • Call our toll-free number. • BUT You can call us toll free at 800-589-1023. total (noun) The phrase a total of is often redundant. • Five students received awards. • NOT A total of five students received awards.