NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  43 or the Miniaci on subsequent references. The Blackbox Theatre and the Performance Theatre are also on that campus (located in the UC). • She is in the Theatre Department at the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences. • He is taking History of Theatre. • The Vinette Carroll Theatre mounted an interesting production of Romeo and Juliet. • BUT We enjoyed our trip to the theater. the fact is . . . A bad beginning. If you know the fact, simply state it. their, they’re, there Their indicates possession, they’re is a contraction for they are, and there is an adverb that reveals location. • They’re proud of their new car that is parked over there. there is, there are Whenever possible, avoid using either of these weak constructions at the beginning of a sentence. See also verbs. this The pronoun this, used to refer to the complete sense of a preceding sentence or phrase, can’t always carry the weight and may produce an imprecise statement. Avoid letting this stand alone at the beginning of a sentence, clause, or phrase; and never let it stand alone at the beginning of a paragraph. • NOT This is an excellent value. • BUT This program provides excellent value. 3D no hyphen, capital D through Note the spelling. Do not use the colloquial short form, thru. till or ’til See until. time See a.m., p.m. time-consuming (adj.) Note the hyphenation. time frame, time sheet two words, no hyphens time line and timeline A timeline is an actual table listing important events. • The NSU timeline lists the university founding in 1964. A time line is usually a schedule of events. • The time line for her vacation was very fluid. She didn't want to make set plans. time zones Do not capitalize the full name of the time in force within a particular zone: eastern standard time, central standard time, etc. When you’re citing clock time in a particular time zone, abbreviate and punctuate as follows: noon EST, 9:00 a.m. CST. See The Chicago Manual of Style for more information on time zones.