NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

39 HINT: Try substituting anyone who or anyone whom; that might help you choose the correct form. wide- (prefix) Usually takes a hyphen: wide-eyed, wide-open EXCEPTION: widespread -wide (suffix) Does not take a hyphen: worldwide, statewide EXCEPTION: The Chicago Manual of Style says to hyphenate long, cumbersome words like university-wide. Wi-Fi One hyphenated word, but note the capitalization. -wise (suffix) Avoid this suffix whenever you can. Women In Distress, Make-A-Wish Foundation See Kids In Distress. word division Most words are divided according to pronunciation. When in doubt, consult MW. Do not separate the elements within phrases such as 6:00 p.m., St. Catherine, and Mrs. Worthy. wordprocessing (adj., noun) See computer terms. words as words Put in italics, not in quotation marks. “Distinguishing between whoever and whomever always confounds me,” he lamented. workforce, workplace (nouns) work-study (adj., noun) NSU style uses the hyphen, not a slash (work/study). world view Two words X-ray (adj., noun, verb) yearlong, year-round years See dates. ZIP code ZIP is an acronym; it stands for Zone Improvement Program. It should be in all capital letters. XYZ