NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

42  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Ttax-deductible This word is always hyphenated. teacher At NSU, we prefer to use professor or instructor whenever possible. The word teacher is appropriate, however, in writing that describes NSU University School. See also professor. telehealth (noun) one word, no hyphen telephone numbers See phone numbers. television See TV. tense See present tense. thankfully Another dangling modifier, often used in sentences like this: "Thankfully, the rain waited until after my wedding day." If you want to convey that you, rather than the rain, were thankful, revise one of two ways. • I was thankful the rain waited until after my wedding day. • OR Thankfully, I marveled that the rain had waited until after my wedding day. See also dangling modifiers, hopefully, and importantly. that/who vs. which/who That for things (or who for people) is restrictive; it tells which one. • A corporation that works with NSU will never regret that association. • My brother who works in Toledo came home for the holidays. (In this example, who tells which brother—the one who works in Toledo.) Which for things (or who for people) is nonrestrictive; it usually comes after a comma, and it gives the reader additional— but not necessary—information. • My new Cadillac, which has a sunroof and keyless entry, is the most luxurious car I’ve ever driven. • My oldest brother, who works in Toledo, came home for the holidays. (In this example, the sentence’s subject tells us which one because the writer can have only one oldest brother. The information about Toledo, therefore, is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence.) theater, theatre Always use theater, except in the following cases: • the undergraduate major at the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences, and its course titles • references to course titles or in marketing materials directed at those specific programs • in reference to a proper name of a specific building or troupe that spells it that way All other cases should use theater. The main theater on the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus is the Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center. It may be referred to as the Miniaci Performing Arts Center