NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  41 • PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test), also known as PSAT/ NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) • SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) start-up (noun) Note the hyphenation. state names Spell out the names of U.S. states. If there is not enough space, use postal abbreviations. Always list the state with each city. See also addresses. state-of-the-art (adj.) Avoid overuse of this term; it’s a cliché. STEAM, STEM These acronyms must be spelled out before the abbreviated form can be used. STEAM is science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. STEM is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. student-athlete; student-veteran These are single entities, not compound adjectives; therefore, they are always hyphenated. student-faculty ratio The phrase student-faculty ratio is incorrect; most colleges have only one faculty, regardless of the number of students. Use student-professor ratio or student-teacher ratio instead. (Exception: If you are dealing with an informal marketing piece, student-faculty is acceptable language but not preferred.) See also collective nouns and faculty. study-abroad (adj.), study abroad (adv., verb) • Try our stimulating study-abroad program. • We encourage our students to study abroad. subjunctive mood Use the subjunctive mood of a verb for contrary-to-fact conditions and for expressions of doubts, wishes, or regrets. • If I were rich, I wouldn’t have to work. • I wish it were possible to take back my words. Sentences that express a contingency or hypothesis may use either the subjunctive or the indicative mood, depending on the context. In general, use the subjunctive if there is little likelihood that the contingency might come true. • If I were to inherit millions, I wouldn’t have to worry about money. • BUT If this bill passes as expected, it will provide a tax cut. Sunshine State Sunshine State is always capitalized. Please note the word “the” is not part of Sunshine State and must not be capitalized unless it’s the beginning of a sentence. • Florida is the Sunshine State. • The Sunshine State rarely gets snow. syllabus MW lists syllabi as the preferred plural form.