40 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY When possible, avoid he and his as inclusive references. Also, don’t use slashforms: he/she and his/her. Saying his or her and he or she is fine, but those expressions can be awkward and are not preferred at NSU. It would be better to alter the sentence using plurals instead of singulars. • All students plan their own programs. RATHER THAN • Each student plans his or her own program. ship names Italicize both the ship name and the identifier. R/V Explorer since Do not use in place of because. Although it is an accepted usage according to MW, since is more clearly used to indicate a time reference. • It has been seven months since we first heard the news. • The show was canceled because no one showed up. • NOT The show was canceled since no one showed up. See also because. smartboard, smartphone, smartwatch one word, no hyphen, no caps social media Italicize all forms of social media addresses. • #goSharks • facebook.com/NSUFlorida • linkedin.com/school/nova -southeastern-university See also web addresses (URLs) and website, web page. social networks Use the name as it appears on the platform; title cap. Do not italicize. • Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, X, YouTube Social Security number Note uppercase and lowercase initial letters. someone, some one See any one, anyone, every one, everyone South Florida Sun Sentinel italics, no hyphen split infinitive See verbs. sports terms Because The Chicago Manual of Style does not contain a comprehensive listing of sports terms, see The Associated Press Stylebook. See also NCAA. staff See faculty. standardized tests Abbreviations for these tests are generally written without periods. Also, if the test is well-known to the audience, the name does not have to be spelled out before the first use of the abbreviation. • ACT (American College Test) • GRE (Graduate Record Exam), Note: Record is singular.