NSU STYLE MANUAL 39 Capitalize all religious titles before an individual’s full name on first reference (e.g., Rabbi Abraham Belinsky). On second reference, use only the title and last name or just the title. See The Chicago Manual of Style for information on how other religious titles are used. residence hall Use this term rather than dormitory. résumé Uses accent marks to distinguish it from the word resume. ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) There are no periods in ROTC. Note that Officers’ has an apostrophe, and that Corps ends with an s. Round Table vs. roundtable Use Round Table to describe King Arthur and his knights or when specifically used in a name. Use roundtable to describe meetings, conferences, and deliberations held in such a manner. RSVP Put in all capital letters with no periods. Avoid “Please RSVP.” It's redundant, as RSVP means “please respond.” rules and regulations This is both a cliché and a redundant phrase; avoid it, when possible. Ssaid, says Use said with direct and partial quotes, as well as paraphrases. • “NSU is a beautiful campus,” said the visiting student. • NOT The visiting student says NSU is a beautiful campus. seasons Lowercase fall, winter, spring, and summer. See also capitalization and dates. Season’s Greetings singular possessive; refers to one season self- (prefix) Hyphenate unless preceded by un- or followed by a suffix. See also compound words. semester hours no hyphen serial or Oxford comma See the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 54. sexism Sexist biases are encoded in our language. To help perpetuate a vocabulary that is fair to both women and men, use ungendered language whenever you can. Examples • firefighter, NOT fireman • U.S. representative, NOT congressman • chair, NOT chairman • businessperson, NOT businessman