38 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Rrace See nationality and race. ranges Use the words to or between to represent the range between two elements. • The distance is from 12 to 15 miles. • Estimated attendance was between 15,000 and 17,000. Use an en dash for abbreviated ranges, such as listings and charts. • Noon–3:00 p.m. ratio Use numerals without a hyphen or colon. • There is a student-professor ratio of 12 to 1. See also collective nouns, faculty, and student-faculty ratio. real-world (adj.), real world (noun) Avoid overuse of these terms; they’ve become clichés. reason . . . is that Never say “the reason . . . because”; say “the reason … is that.’’ • NOT The reason she applied to NSU is because the campus felt “right.” • BUT The reason she applied to NSU is that the campus felt “right.” Better yet, cut the extra words. • She applied to NSU because the campus felt “right.” See also because. refer This word, derived from the Latin words meaning “carry back” or “carry again,” already contains the idea of “back.” The phrase refer back is redundant. regard, regards The singular form appears correctly in prepositional phrases such as in regard to and with regard to, both of which mean the same thing as the antiquated plural-form phrase as regards (NOT as regards to). You can avoid the whole question of singular vs. plural, and can also sound much more modern, by simply replacing all those wordy phrases with concerning or about. See also as per. religious titles Protestant variants Official title: the Reverend James Neal, minister of the Third Presbyterian Church. In conversational address: Mr. (or Dr.) Neal. For letters/written reference: Rev. James Neal. Casual/generic reference: the minister (or, for Church of the Brethren, the pastor). Roman Catholic variants Official title: the Reverend John Dunn, pastor of Saint Thomas Aquinas Church. In conversational address: Father Dunn. For letters/written reference: Father Dunn. Casual/generic reference: the pastor. Jewish variants Official titles: Rabbi Abraham Belinsky, rabbi of Temple Sinai. In conversational address: Rabbi Belinsky. For letters/ written reference: Rabbi Belinsky. Casual/ generic reference: the rabbi. Cantor is treated the same as rabbi.