NSU STYLE MANUAL 37 problem-solving (noun) Note the hyphenation. professor Capitalize only if it precedes a proper name. Professor Erickson See also capitalization and titles of people. program Whenever possible, eliminate program in references and just list the actual name of the degree. This will eliminate wordiness and improve consistency. Only list Program (capped) when it’s part of the official name. • The Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences graduated its first class. • The Graduate Management Program meets on Tuesday. If program can’t be deleted, for whatever reason, it should be lowercased if it is not part of the official name. • Shark Premier Programs • Ph.D. in Physical Therapy program (BUT leaving program out is preferred: Ph.D. in Physical Therapy) proved, proven The past tense of prove is proved; MW suggests proved as the past participle as well. • The dean has proved her point. But there are exceptions. • A proven belief (adjective preceding noun) • That rumor has not been proven true. (with negative) PS No periods; capital letters are preferred. Qqualitative Refers to qualities (characteristics, properties, attributes) • Qualitative analysis would tell us which facets of NSU appeal to local students. quantitative Refers to quantity (amount, measure, size, volume) • Quantitative analysis would yield the proportion of Broward County residents at NSU. quotation, quote (nouns) Both are listed in MW to refer to verbal or written passages attributed to another person, or to an estimated price. While quote is used more commonly, in more formal situations, use quotation. • We will solicit a quotation from each of NSU’s trustees. • We’ll get a quote from them. quotation marks See the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 54. quote (verb) • Can you quote the Pledge of Allegiance from memory? • Can I quote you on that statement?