36 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY prekindergarten There is no hyphen when the word is spelled out. See also junior kindergarten. premier (adj.) First in rank, time, or importance • NSU is building the premier medical school in the Southeast. Because premier means first, there can’t be more than one, and it can’t be used with an indefinite article (i.e., a premier institution). premiere (noun) The first showing or performance • The choral group’s premiere was a success. preposition at end of sentence Postponing a single preposition to the end of a sentence is characteristic of English. • That’s something this book can help you with. While it is no longer considered wrong to end a sentence with a preposition, your writing will be more powerful if you reserve the end of a sentence for strong, emphatic words, which prepositions aren’t. Rephrase when you can. • This book can help you with questions of style. prepositions Capitalize prepositions of five or more letters in titles and headings or when using initial caps. presently Do not use to mean “now.” Presently implies “soon”; if you want to indicate “now” and avoid confusion, use currently instead. See also currently, now, and point in time. present tense In describing NSU and its activities, use present tense rather than future tense whenever possible. This strategy makes your writing more direct and your reader feel more involved. • Students in Sociology 101 explore the cultures and lives of many people. • NOT Students in Sociology 101 will explore the cultures of many people. president Capitalize when it directly precedes a proper name or in reference to the President of the United States. President Harry K. Moon, President Lincoln, Presidents Bush and Obama See also capitalization and titles of people. president-elect Note the hyphenation. priority Means “something that is more important than other considerations; something that deserves to be first.” Therefore, you can’t have more than one priority, any more than one person or experience can be “more unique” than another (see unique). Use priority alone, without the addition of top or first. prior to Avoid; before means the same thing and is shorter.