NSU STYLE MANUAL 35 When several different communication options are listed together at the end of a brochure or a block of copy, make the format as consistent as possible. • Telephone: (954) 262-7300, ext. 28100 • Toll free: 800-541-6682, ext. 28100 • Fax: (954) 262-3954 See also ext. and fax. NSU style has adopted the use of hyphens for emergency calls, i.e., 9-1-1. physician assistant, physician’s assistant NSU uses the former designation for its degree program. plurals See apostrophe and plurals in the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on pages 52 and 54. plus Colloquially, plus is considered acceptable as a synonym for and or moreover, but use it sparingly, if at all. Don’t use plus to start a sentence; substitute furthermore. p.m. See a.m. PO This abbreviation for Post Office is capital letters with no periods and no space between the letters. point in time At this point in time is redundant. Instead, say at this point or at this time. Better yet, simply say now. possessives See apostrophe in the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 52. postbaccalaureate, postcard, postdoctoral, postdoctorate, postgraduate, postprofessional, postsecondary All are one word with no hyphen. post-exposure one word, with hyphen (per CDC and NIH) post-master’s (adj.) after a master’s degree postmasters having to do with the person in charge of the post office post-pandemic (adj.) Note the hyphenation. practicum (noun) The plural is practicums. preadmission, prelaw, premed, preprofessional one word, no hyphen prefixes See compound words. pre-K This abbreviation has a hyphen between the prefix, which is lowercased, and the K, which is capitalized in running text. • Our pre-K classes are very popular. In headlines, capitalize both elements. • Toddlers Flock to Pre-K Classes