NSU STYLE MANUAL 33 OOB-GYN (abbreviation) vs. ob-gyn (noun) Note the hyphenation. Use in all caps when referring to the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Lowercase when using as a noun. • The specialty of OB-GYN focuses on female reproductive health. • My ob-gyn is taking new patients. okay Note spelling; this variant follows academic style rather than journalistic style. Olympic-sized Note the capitalization, spelling, and hyphen. See also life-size. on a daily basis, on a regular basis This wordy padding should be avoided; say daily or regularly instead. One NSU Concept indicating that all the university’s colleges, schools, centers, and departments work together for the benefit of the institution as a single entity. One-Stop Shop Note the hyphenation. online See computer terms. on-site (adj., adv.) Note the hyphenation. on vs. upon Upon is a stuffy, overly formal way of saying on. The exception is when upon is used to make a time reference. • We decided on a new restaurant for lunch. • BUT Credits will be transferred upon graduation. oral, written, verbal Use oral to refer to spoken words. • She gave an oral promise. Use written for words committed to paper. • We had a written agreement. Use verbal to compare words with some other form of communication. • His tears revealed the sentiments that his poor verbal skills could not express. Oriental Can be considered offensive; Asian is the preferred term. See also nationality and race. out-of-state, in-state (adj.) Hyphenate this phrase when it is used as an adjective. • Forty out-of-state students registered this semester. • BUT The college sent 750 catalogs out of state. (adverb phrase) over See more than vs. over.