32 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Use a comma in numbers of 1,000 or more (unless you’re reporting SAT scores or dates, which take no commas). • Her essay summarizes 2,000 years of Christian history. • She felt lucky to get a 1400 on the SAT. • He graduated in 2009. Numbers applicable to the same category should be treated alike within the same context. If any number within a category is over nine, all numbers in the category are to be expressed as numerals—except if a number falls at the beginning of a sentence. • Although her brother was 14 and she only 8, Ramona couldn’t believe his judgment superior to hers. Spell out a number at the beginning of a sentence, regardless of the inconsistencies this may create. If your sentence then seems too cumbersome, rearrange the sentence so that the number falls later. • One hundred ten men and 103 women will graduate this spring. • OR This spring’s graduating class includes 110 men and 103 women. For numbers following nouns, like page, chapter, and room, always use numerals. • chapter 4, page 7 • room 15 References to U.S. currency follow the general rules for expressing numerals. See also money. For percentages, always use numerals followed by the word percent. • The state tax is 5 percent. • Only 30 percent of the class passed the exam. EXCEPTION: In tables or charts where space is tight, use the percent (%) sign. For credit/semester hours, always use numerals. • The course was worth 6 semester hours. • It was a 3-credit class. See also percent, ranges, and ratio. For floors, in running text, spell out numbers one through nine. Use numerals for 10 and up. Room numbers should always use numerals. Also, lowercase both the words floor and room. • first floor, 10th floor • room 2, room 365 In addresses, capitalize Floor and Room. • Alvin Sherman Library 3100 Ray Ferrero, Jr. Boulevard Second Floor, Room 3492 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-1013 When rounding numbers, round to the nearest 5 or 0. Do not use terms like approximately or about with specific numbers. • more than 23,000 students • NOT approximately 23,432 students See also 3D.