NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  31 nonprofit (adj.), nonresident one word, no hyphen nontraditional students Note that there is no hyphenation between the two words. They are also called adult learners. now A simple, substantial word, much preferred to more cumbersome constructions. See also currently, point in time, and presently. Nova Southeastern University, Nova University Unless referring to the university specifically before it merged with Southeastern University of the Health Sciences (1994), use the full name of Nova Southeastern University. NSU can be used for references that follow. Do not use Nova. • I work at Nova Southeastern University. He graduated from what was then Nova University. NSU campuses Our university has 11 campuses, which are to be referred to and capitalized as follows: • F ort Lauderdale/Davie Campus • Oceanographic Campus NSU’s Denver, Puerto Rico, and Florida campuses, other than the ones listed above, are collectively referred to as regional campuses. Their full, formal names are • NSU Denver Campus • NSU Fort Myers Campus • NSU Jacksonville Campus • NSU Miami Campus • NSU Miramar Campus • NSU Orlando Campus • NSU Palm Beach Campus • NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus • NSU Puerto Rico Regional Campus In running text, the regional campuses can be referred to simply by their location (e.g., NSU Miami, NSU Puerto Rico). See NSU Addresses on pages 58 and 59. See NSU Academic and Administrative Units and Facilities on pages 60 and 61. NSU edge In running text, the e is lowercase. As a tagline, follow the most recent branding provided by Public Relations and Marketing Communications (PRMC). NSU-specific terms Note the spelling and capitalization for these terms. • AcademicFest • AQUALERT • CommunityFest • JobX • S harkCard, SharkLearn, SharkLink, Sharks, SharkTalent, SharkTime numbers Spell out whole numbers and ordinal numbers from one through nine; use figures for all other numbers. • He is four years old. • These 30 students came from 11 states. • This will be his fourth trip to Europe. • The celebration marks the center’s 35th year of service.