NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  27 • Investigators made several conclusions about the crime scene: n Police officers followed procedures to the letter. n Physical evidence was altered by natural circumstances. n The victim failed to report the crime immediately. • The required reading material includes the following: n F or Whom the Bell Tolls is one of several Hemingway books we will be reading this year. n T he Grapes of Wrath, which is a Steinbeck classic set during the Great Depression. n Great Expectations by Charles Dickens—the oldest book in the reading list—is the first one we will discuss. What is to the left of a colon must be a complete sentence or an independent clause. long-range, long-standing, long-term Note the hyphens. longtime one word lots Avoid this colloquialism. Substitute plenty. See also a lot. Mmagazine names Italicize the title; if the word magazine is not part of the publication’s official title, lowercase it and put it in roman type: Harper’s Magazine, Time magazine, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report. See also newspaper names and titles of works. makeup (noun), make up (verb), makeup (adj.) man, mankind To avoid sounding sexist, use humanity or humankind instead. See also sexism. Mastercard trademark name of credit card and company M.B.A. vs. MBA See academic degrees. meaningful A vague term that weakens writing; rephrase to avoid. • We are changing the curriculum to accomplish these ends. • NOT We are instituting many meaningful changes in the curriculum. memorandum The plural is memorandums. midterm (adj., noun)