NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

26  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Llaptop (adj., noun) one word lawmaker (noun) less Should not be misused for fewer. Fewer refers to a specific or countable number; less refers to a general comparative amount. • There were fewer than 300 people. • The college had fewer students this term. • We were less than half done when the bell rang. letter salutations When substituting a title for a proper name, capitalize the title. Dear Human Resources Professional, lifelong one word, as in lifelong learning life-size (adj.) No final -d, but see Olympic-sized. lifespan one word, as in lifespan care Iifestyle, lifetime (noun) one word lists There are two styles of lists: run-in style and outline style. Follow these general rules and consult The Chicago Manual of Style for more specific instruction. Run-In Style Enumerated lists, those that take letters or numbers, can remain in running text if they are short and not too numerous. Numbers or letters should be in parentheses, and semicolons should separate items. The first letters of items in run-in lists should be lowercased. • The theory she was presenting is founded on (1) generally accepted principles; (2) verifiable scientific facts; and (3) anecdotal information. • Before the test begins, students will be given four items: (a) pencils; (b) erasers; (c) scratch paper; and (d) a calculator. Outline Style If the items to be listed are too extensive or complex to list in run-in style, the list should follow outline style by beginning each item on a separate line. Vertically listed items should be bulleted, not enumerated. Note that there is no colon before the list if the listed items complete the introductory part of the sentence. Avoid punctuation and uppercasing in vertical lists unless the item contains multiple sentences and/or proper nouns. Do not use and before the final item. • The school’s sports program includes n baseball n football n softball n track n soccer