NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  25 insure See assure, ensure, insure. in terms of A piece of padding best omitted. Rephrase. • The salary made the job unattractive. • NOT The job was unattractive in terms of salary. Internet Internet is always capped. For Internet service provider, only cap the first word. However, in the abbreviation ISP, all three letters are capped. It is . . . Generally, a weak beginning for a sentence. Recast. • I am proud to welcome the graduating class. • NOT It is with pride that I welcome the graduating class. its, it’s Possessive pronouns (its, ours, his, hers, theirs, yours) don’t take apostrophes. Its means “belonging to it”; it’s is a contraction for “it is.” See apostrophe in the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 52. JK J.D. See academic degrees. Jr., Sr. NSU style sets off Jr. or other suffixes following a name with commas. • Roberto Gonzalez, Jr., was my favorite professor in college. In all university publications, keep the use of Jr. and Sr. consistent with NSU style. • EXCEPTION: Leo Goodwin Sr. and the campus buildings named for him are written without commas. Numbers after names are not set off from the name with commas. • Harry K. Moon, university president, made a speech to the graduating class. See comma in the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 52. judgment No e before the suffix See also acknowledgment. junior kindergarten This term refers to NSU University School’s version of prekindergarten. The abbreviation is JK, NOT junior-k. The full, spelled-out version does not need to be capped. knowledgeable (adj.) Note the e before the suffix.