NSU STYLE MANUAL 21 fundraiser (noun), fundraising (noun), fundraising (adj.) MW does not hyphenate these terms. • Her success as a fundraiser was unequaled. • Fundraising is at a record high. • Our fundraising success exceeds our wildest dreams. See also compound words. further See farther, further. Ggeographical terms See addresses, capitalization, and directions and regions. GI Bill® Note that the registered trademark is part of the name. See also U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. girls, boys See boys, girls. GPA, grade point average GPA stands for grade point average. The abbreviation does not take periods, and the words grade point average are not capped, even when they precede the parenthetical abbreviation. • She has a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5. grades (academic) Lowercase the word grade in running text. When a number follows the word grade, express the number as a numeral. • Students in grade 2 at NSU University School put on a play. When a number precedes the word grade (i.e., when the number is ordinal rather than cardinal), lowercase the word grade and spell out the number. • NSU University School’s fourth grade went on a field trip. See also numbers.