20 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY firsthand (adj.) one word, no hyphen first-year student This phrase applies to students pursuing an initial year of study in NSU’s graduate programs. For a first-year undergraduate, use the term freshman. See also freshman. foregone, forgo Foregone means to have gone before. To forgo means to abstain from. • That she would forgo roast beef when she became a vegetarian was a foregone conclusion. foreign words If you’re using words that have been assimilated into the English language and appear in the main section of the dictionary, skip the diacritical marks. See also accents and diacritical marks and résumé. If you’re quoting a foreign phrase, put it in italics and include the appropriate diacritical marks. If you’re mentioning the name of a foreign place or person, include diacritical marks but skip the italics. foreseeable future Avoid this redundant cliché. Fortune 500 A specific designation; do not italicize. fractions In nonscientific, running copy, spell out fractions. • Less than one-third of the class failed the exam. When using fractions and whole numbers together, use numerals. • That copy machine uses only 8½ by 11-inch paper. Whenever possible, use case fractions (¾) as opposed to writing out the numerals with a slash (3/4). If case fractions are not available, leave a space between the whole number and the fraction, as in 8 1/6. freelance one word, no hyphen freshman Although some institutions use this term to refer to both undergraduate and graduate students in their first year of study, NSU designates the former group of students freshmen until they have fulfilled certain curricular requirements. To avoid giving the impression that a student automatically fulfills these requirements after one calendar year of study, use the term freshman in all undergraduate publications. See also first-year student. Fulbright Always takes an initial cap, as in a Fulbright grant. full-time, full time (also part-time, part time) • (adj.) She has a full-time job. • (adv. phrase) She works full time.