NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

NSU STYLE MANUAL  17 Eeach and every both a cliché and a redundant phrase; avoid e-book, e-Commerce, etc. When referring to electronic items, NSU style leaves the e lowercase, but italicizes it. Use a hyphen and no space between the e and the word. There are some exceptions, usually determined by proprietary words or usage (for example, eBill or e-Check). See computer terms and email. editor in chief three words, no hyphens e.g., i.e. These abbreviations take periods and are always followed by a comma. The former stands for the Latin exempli gratia, meaning for example. • NSU students can choose from a wide variety of South Florida entertainment options (e.g., swimming, golfing, or shopping). Don’t confuse e.g. with i.e., which stands for id est, or that is. Whereas e.g. refers the reader to several possible examples of a given case, i.e. refers the reader to all examples of a case. • Please refer all questions of style to the correct office (i.e., BSV/Printing and Publications). ellipsis (. . .) See the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 53. email Lowercase the e (except when the word appears in a headline or at the beginning of a sentence). Do not use a hyphen, and do not italicize the e. email addresses These should be italicized, not underlined. If an email address falls at the end of a sentence, include the terminal period. • C ontact NSU’s Digital Print Services by emailing digitalprintservices@nova.edu. em dash/en dash/hyphen See dash and hyphen in the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 53. emergency numbers 9-1-1 or 9-9-9 are used for many countries. Note the hyphens. See also phone numbers. emeritus (m., singular), emerita (f., singular), emeriti (plural) • Abraham Fischler was president emeritus of NSU. • Professor Emerita Mary Smith • The president addressed the professors emeriti. emigrate, immigrate emigrate from; immigrate to ensure See assure, ensure, insure.