NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

16  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY directions and regions Lowercase north, northeast, south, etc., when they indicate compass directions. Also lowercase the adjective forms of regions, such as eastern or northern. Capitalize them when they are nouns designating specific regions, such as the South, the Midwest, Southern California, the West End, or the Far East. • This university is located just west of Fort Lauderdale. • He has a midwestern accent. • I enjoy living in South Florida, but I miss Northern California and the West Coast in general. See also addresses. disabled See Writing, Formatting, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on page 58. District of Columbia D.C. is capped with periods, no spaces between letters, when used as a regular abbreviation. The postal abbreviation is DC—no periods. dormitory NSU’s preferred term is residence hall. dual admission two words, no hyphen BUT the Dual Admission Program dual-degree (adj.), dual degree (noun) As an adjective, this phrase takes a hyphen. • The versatile young woman sought a dual-degree program in Spanish and international business. As a noun, a hyphen is not used. • The young man has a dual degree in engineering and psychology. due to Often misused, so watch out. Avoid beginning a sentence with this phrase; the safest place for it is after a form of the verb to be. • The cancellation was due to bad weather. • NOT Due to bad weather, the game was canceled. When in doubt, see if you can substitute the phrase caused by. If you can, your sentence is correct. See also based on.