NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

12  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY holidays that are descriptive of an event (Most official names of religious and secular holidays are capitalized.) • The library will close for both Memorial Day and Christmas Eve. • The President’s inauguration day follows New Year’s Day. articles or prepositions in the names of programs or places UNLESS they are part of the official name • Library of Congress BUT NOTE THESE EXCEPTIONS • Give Kids A Smile Day, Kids In Distress, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Women In Distress capstone Capitalize only when referring to the full name of the program. • the Capstone Review Program at NSU Lowercase as a modifier. • She completed the capstone paper. -care (suffix) Most words or phrases that end in care are now one word, but there are exceptions. When in doubt, it is best to check the spelling in the latest version of MW. • childcare, eldercare BUT • day care, patient care (These phrases are always two words, never hyphenated, whether nouns or adjectives.) See also health care. cell phone two words century lowercase class of There are three acceptable ways to express this. • John Smith, class of ’08, considered a career in business. • John Smith (’08) has now become a stockbroker. • He is a member of the class of 2008. It gets trickier if you add the person’s degree. • John Smith, M.B.A. ’04, sometimes wished that he had chosen biology. • OR John Smith (M.B.A. ’04) clichés Avoid the use of clichés. They weaken your writing. collective nouns Nouns that denote a unit, such as class, committee, faculty, family, group, team, and student body, take singular verbs and pronouns. • The faculty is delighted that the team has committed itself to higher academic standards. See also faculty. Some words that are plural in form become collective nouns and take singular verbs when they represent a unit. • The data that he produced is worthless. colon See the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 52.