NSU STYLE MANUAL 11 all elements in hyphenated compounds in headlines, unless they are articles, prepositions of less than five letters, or coordinating conjunctions • Post-Modern Flights of Fancy, MediumSized Libraries • Out-of-Fashion Initiatives, Run-of-theMill Responses • Strategies for Re-Establishment • Pre-Raphaelite Paintings Revisited full names of committees • The Office of Finance Budget Committee meets on the third Monday of each month. • BUT The committee adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Don’t capitalize these elements. NSU style generally puts honorifics after a name. In the occasional cases they are used before a name, such as Dean Elaine Wallace, they are capitalized. Otherwise, follow the capitalization rules in this section. job titles that follow a proper name • Marc Crocquet, M.B.A., is vice president for the Division of Business Services. freestanding job titles • Harry K. Moon is the president of NSU. • The committee includes NSU deans. • Who is chair of the board of trustees? • She is an adjunct professor. temporary, role-denoting epithets/ occupational titles (as opposed to formal titles and honorifics) • biology professor Jim Smith, astronaut John Glenn informal references to offices or departments as distinguished from their official names • the college, the business college, academic services department majors, minors, and areas of specialization • biology major, psychology minor, legal assistant studies specialty • M.S. in Education with a specialization in reading degrees and degree programs, other than the official, formal name of an academic program • NSU offers more than 15 doctoral programs. • I’m going for a bachelor’s degree in psychology. • I am in the Master of Public Health program. areas of study • I’m taking two history courses. • Are you interested in entrepreneurship? grades within NSU University School • Students in grade 1 have progressed well this year. an introductory the preceding the name of a school or organization • the Farquhar Honors College, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness UNLESS it is part of the proper official name • The Florida Bar, The Bar, The NSU Glass Garden seasons or school terms • spring 1998, fall term See also seasons. academic years • freshman, sophomore, junior, senior See also first-year student and freshman. generic names of buildings on campus or general references to the university, colleges, clusters, sites, etc. • library, residence hall, field house generic titles of forms • student transaction form, financial aid form, application form