10 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY named academic professorships and fellowships • Alfred R. Welman Distinguished Service Professor, Professor Emeritus Wellington Kingsley, The Leo Goodwin Sr. Chair in Law • BUT Fulbright scholar complete academic degree names (whether spelled out or abbreviated) • She has a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities. • He has a Master of Science degree. • He graduated with a Doctor of Nursing degree. • She has an M.S. in Education with a concentration in teaching and learning. • BUT bachelor’s degree, doctorate, a business degree academic degrees and honors, following a personal name, whether spelled out or abbreviated • Jane Smith, Ph.D. • Joseph Hershall, B.A. • Clyde M. Jones, Doctor of Optometry full, proper names of academic programs • Leadership Roundtable, Dual Admission Program • BUT dual-degree program, education program names of specific courses • Biology 101, History of Civilization • BUT don’t capitalize the names of general subjects (science, history) formal names of campus buildings and academic units within NSU and their accepted shortened versions • Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center; Alvin Sherman Library; or Sherman Library • NSU University School or USchool • H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship or Huizenga College of Business formal names of academic departments or administrative offices • Department of Biology, Office of Printing and Publications, NSU Health • BUT publications, financial aid, nursing names of planets (Do not capitalize earth if it is an adjective or a common noun.) • The people of Mars and Earth had a treaty. BUT • There was an earthy smell. • He was digging in the earth. political divisions of the world (state, county, etc.) used as part of a proper name • Broward County state, city, and town, et al., when used as proper nouns • The family recently moved here from Jefferson City. • The Detroit City Commission will vote tomorrow. • BUT The campus is located in the city of Fort Lauderdale. • In the state of Florida, you must wear seat belts. the word president when referring to the President of the United States • President Obama • John Kennedy, President • our President • the Presidents of the United States titles of awards, prizes, or scholarships, including those nouns (e.g., award) if they are part of the title, but not articles, prepositions, or conjunctions within the title • Academy Award, Pulitzer Prize, International Music Scholarship, Woman of the Year Award names of religious and secular holidays • Ash Wednesday, Mother’s Day