NSU STYLE MANUAL 9 blue economy Both words are lowercased. boys, girls These terms are acceptable in publications for NSU University School and the Marilyn Segal Early Childhood Studies Center. In university publications that address adult students, use men, women, or students instead. bullets When making a bulleted list, do not capitalize the bullets unless they are complete sentences. All the bullets in a list should have parallel construction. This means, they should all be sentences, or all not be sentences. If the bullets complete the sentence before the list, you do not need a colon before the list. Do not use punctuation at the end of the bullet unless it is a sentence. The classes were • math • science • history We will need the following: • a piece of muslin • a flint • some black powder See also lists. businesses See names of businesses. businessman/men The words businessperson and businesspeople are more inclusive. See also sexism. Ccapital vs. capitol capital: topmost or chief (lowercase) • capital punishment • a capital city • a capital letter capitol: a building where a legislature meets (lowercase) • The legislature will meet in the capitol today. But the Capitol: where the U.S. Congress meets (uppercase) • The U.S. Congress will meet in the Capitol in D.C. today. • Capitol Hill capitalization The following rules apply to running text (e.g., copy in paragraph form in brochures, newsletters, magazine articles, flyers, and advertisements). These rules adhere to a “down” style of capitalization (i.e., a predominant practice of lowercasing words), which gives the copy a clean and modern look. Capitalization in other formats featuring lists or freestanding lines of text (e.g., memorandum headings, commencement programs, or invitations) may differ, often tending toward a more extensive use of capital letters. For a comprehensive discussion of capitalization, see The Chicago Manual of Style. See also titles of people and titles of works. Capitalize these elements. job titles that directly precede a person’s name, especially if only the last name is used • Governor Bob Graham, Dean Kevorkian, Dr. Rosenberg, Professor Swann