NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

6  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY ampersand (&) Avoid using ampersands in running text— and even in charts or other places with limited space. The only case in which ampersands are appropriate is when the symbol is part of the official legal name of a company, organization, or publication. • Jim & Jan Moran Family Center Village • U.S. News & World Report • The Boys & Girls Club annual An event cannot be described as annual until it has occurred for at least two successive years. Avoid first annual. For first-time events, use inaugural. any more, anymore The two-word any more is used only in the negative sense and always goes with a noun. • NSU cannot award financial aid to any more students this year. Written as one word, anymore is used to modify a verb and should be used only at the end of a thought. • We don’t go there anymore. • I don’t like her anymore. any one, anyone, every one, everyone Use the two-word expressions when you want to single out one element of a group. • Any one of those students can apply to NSU. • Every one of those clues was worthless. Use the one-word expressions for indefinite references; note that these expressions take singular verbs and pronouns. • Anyone who has graduated from high school may apply to NSU. • Everyone wants a happy life. See also none. any way, anyway Write as two words only when you can mentally insert the word one in the middle. The rest of the time, write as one word. • Any [one] way you want to write the letter is fine. • The committee opposed the plan, but it was implemented anyway. apostrophe See the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 52. app computer applications—for generic terms (an app) lowercase, for specific proper names (NSU APP) capitalize. See also computer terms. applications (and other university forms) The basic rules are to keep the language simple and direct, to lowercase whenever possible, and to keep parallel parts (headlines, subheads, punctuation) consistent. as per This is an overworked business expression for in accordance with or according to. Avoid using it. assure, ensure, insure Assure goes with some reference to people and means to convince or to give confidence to. Ensure means to guarantee. Insure involves monetary coverage according to policy. I assured the old gentleman that he could indeed insure his 23 cats, and thus ensure them a decent burial.