Student Life Achievement Awards | 2021

15 2021 NOMINEES FOR Student of the Year—Overall Michelle Rodriguez—Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice Michelle Rodriguez has been a student of the Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice since 2018. She is a Criminal Justice Major, in the class of 2021. As a woman who is a first-generation American and college student, she has defied the odds in every facet. Rodriguez demonstrates all of NSU’s Core Values through her involvements and academics. Her motivation stems from her commitment to community service. She also utilizes her passion for education by becoming a role model in our community. Her leadership roles have equipped her with valuable experiences toward creating a student-centered environment for all students and families. NSU is special to Rodriguez because it has become a vessel of opportunities that have integrated her qualities and skills so she can prepare to dominate. Paula Veras De La Rocha—College of Computing and Engineering Paula Veras De La Rocha is a junior engineering major with a biomedical concentration. She is an SI Leader for MATH 1200 and served as the same position for BIOL 1500 in the past, which allows her to help the NSU community in fulfilling academic goals. Veras De La Rocha came to NSU in 2018 and immediately perceived a comfortable environment with many opportunities for growth. She has been a member of the Chemistry Club since her freshman year and is the IOC chair for this academic year. She is also a member of the Alpha Chi National Honor Society and the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Veras De La Rocha is currently involved in a collaborative research project between her college and the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences. Myriam Glavash, D.M.D.—College of Dental Medicine Myriam Glavash is currently a second-year, board-eligible pediatric resident anticipating Diplomate status in the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. She is originally from Long Island, New York. She attended our very own Nova Southeastern University and received her bachelor’s degree in biology before obtaining her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Florida. During her postdoctoral training here at NSU, Glavash has received extensive training in pediatric behavioral management and comprehensive oral rehabilitation under oral sedation and general anesthesia. Her primary goal is to make each dental visit positive, fun, and interactive! She prides herself in educating and mentoring underrepresented minorities in the pre-health professions, while spending time within the community advocating for preventive dental oral health. Veronia Marie Abadeer—College of Optometry Veronia Abadeer is a third-year Doctor of Optometry student. NSU, through Abadeer’s eyes, is a home away from home. A community that embraces diversity and acceptance, while encouraging individuality. She feels honored to represent optometry students as SGA president, a student ambassador, and a liaison to Florida optometrists. She was recently elected president of the Gold Key International Honor Society. Alongside leadership involvement, she strives to grow academically. Standing as vice president of Beta Sigma Kappa International Optometry Honors Society as well as a member of the NSU Chapter of the Honors Society of Phi Kappa Phi, she values the hardships and uses her experiences to be a support to her colleagues. Abadeer’s biggest achievement is knowing she gets to help “open eyes,” literally and figuratively, to all those she encounters. Ashley Dabalsa, B.S.—College of Pharmacy Ashley Dabalsa has been a student in the College of Pharmacy since 2018, while pursuing her M.B.A. in Complex Health Systems at the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship since 2020. During her first year, Dabalsa was the class president of her class in all three campuses, while also organizing and leading a fundraiser event community-wide, with all profits going to the NSU Autism Institute. Dabalsa is now currently the SGA president for the College of Pharmacy, chair of the Health Profession Division PanSGA board, and a board member in PanSGA, while being part of multiple committees NSU-wide. She was the first person to mix and draw up the COVID-19 vaccine in South Florida, while representing NSU and the College of Pharmacy.